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Info Galore

natural building information you can trust...all in one place

Installing an adobe finish floor


My favorite tools for installing adobe floors

This page is your gateway of quality information on a variety of natural materials & building techniques.


Everything here is backed by over two decades of practical experience, both designing natural buildings and teaching how to construct them.


I share:

  • lessons learned

  • the science behind why things work

  • general tips

  • my favorite tools

and much more!!  You can sign up for my email list to get a first-peek announcement when new articles are added.

My goal is to empower you.  To learn...and to go try your hand at some natural building!


Are you new to natural building?  Not sure what all the terms mean?


Or you need some guidance on how to use each material to it's best advantage?


Here is a complete glossary to help clarify!

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