Custom Architectural Design
designing super-efficient natural buildings & supporting you every step of the way
If you are like most people, you likely have never hired an architect before. You may not know exactly what to expect from the design process. You may be unclear what questions to ask to be sure you are working with someone who can understand and deliver your vision.
That's why I created a design process with tons of personalized tools just for you.
I want you to understand everything. And I want you to feel empowered to make informed decisions throughout the design and construction of your home. From the flow of space to exact room sizing to what type of appliances to purchase.
I want you to understand why your home is designed the way it is...because you helped shape it!
You have support every step of the way
Sarah O'Herron & Ed Boyce
(owners of Black Ankle Vineyards)
“Sigi offers an excellent design sense and ability to create unique, beautiful and functional spaces..."
Interested in designing together?
Email me and I will send you my Vision Worksheet to fill out online. The worksheet helps you articulate your project scope and helps me ensure that your goals are in alignment with my skills

My Design Toolkit
Energy efficiency & healthy natural materials are part of each design...not added later

We begin by clearly defining how you live. An intimate understanding of your vision and lifestyle ensures we design your space to be comfortable as well as space-efficient.
Create Spaces that Flow

Every design solution creates a symbiotic relationship between your home and its environment. That means minimal site disturbance, protecting trees, and harnessing sun & wind to create comfortable space.
We Start with Your Site

designs work in harmony
We take advantage of solar orientation and other climate conditions to minimize heating and cooling requirements without the use of equipment. Free solar heat in winter; natural cooling in summer.
Design with the Sun
Every project integrates a palette of natural materials, chosen to maximize energy performance and ensure a healthy space. And we give you support tools to help you find salvage materials, as desired.
Use Healthy Materials

All designs incorporate natural daylighting, super-insulation, and efficient fixtures...which means you save on energy costs. Plus we integrate renewable energy and solar hot water solutions.
Integrate Energy Efficiency
“We (almost) feel guilty how warm our house is, and how little wood we use compared to our neighbors. The house is just really, really toasty."
Scot & Linda DeGraf
(read their blog at

Design Approach
I want to empower you to engage in every aspect of designing your home & help your whole project proceed with the least stress possible. Here's how I do that...

Collaborative Design
I want to design with you...not just for you. That's why I've crafted a design process that encourages you to participate. With tools to help you make informed decisions every step of hte way. Each decision you face...and there are many! fully supported.
I want you to understand why your home is designed the way it is and feel like the vision you have is truly realized.

Highly Detailed Drawings
Construction drawings are the roadmap for how to build your home. The clearer the drawings, the fewer misunderstanding as your home gets built. That's why I provide highly detailed drawings.
Additionally, you benefit from phone and email support to answer any questions throughout construction...because a clear roadmap translates into less stress and lower cost for you.

Integrated Natural Building
Every design integrates natural materials from the start. Each material is chosen for performance characteristics to create the most energy efficient design possible. Straw and other insulating materials keep interiors comfortable. While clay-based thermal mass materials store energy and reduce temperature swings. I've designed this way for over 2 decades & the result means 40%+ energy savings to you.

Support...Every Step of the Way
Designing & building a home is exciting! After all, you are customizing a space to harmoniously fit your lifestyle. There are also moments of stress. This is the single largest investment most people undertake. You make so many decisions. And unexpected challenges can take you on an emotional roller coaster. That's why I stay on your project team to support you from start to finish.
“Sigi is a master interpreter of the vision. 😊 "
-Beth Reese
(owner of Taproot Farms)

Design Process
My goal is that you feel involved and supported throughout the design and construction of your home. That's why I have developed a uniquely collaborative design process with tons of support tools to help you make decisions...without getting an architecture degree. Every decision is supported with data, comparisons, cost implications, and more, so that you can make informed decisions every step of the way. I also provide hands-on teaching that empowers you to participate meaningfully during construction.
Schematic Design
Translating Your Vision into a Layout
Next we translate your vision into concept ideas for your home. I always provide several design solutions, so you have a variety of ideas to respond to. We work together to find the design solution that best suits your vision.
By the end of the Schematic Design phase, you know how your home will look & feel.

Design Development
Deciding Storage, Finishes, & Aesthetics
We then begin to add details...specific room sizing, storage needs, architectural details, finishes, fixtures, appliances, etc. I provide ample support tools to help you make the many decisions during this phase of design.
By the end of the Design Development phase, you have a clear sense of your home, functionally & aesthetically.

During Construction
Executing your Vision
Construction is full of both excitement and stress. You have a lot invested in the outcome, financially and emotionally. That's why I continue to support you through construction, to get you moved in with the smoothest process possible.
I also offer teaching workshops on any of the natural building techniques featured in your home.

Understanding your Vision
The first step with any project is to clarify what you want to build. How you want it to feel. How you want it to function. What size you envision.
I help you clarify your vision before we commit to working together. This ensures that my skills are in alignment with your project goals. (See homework exercises)

Permit Drawings
Finalizing the Nitty Gritty Details
Finally, we clarify how your house will be built and all of the systems that make it function comfortably ... structural design, electrical, heating & cooling, water & waste water, recycling ... all of the nitty gritty details.
Your complete set of architectural drawings enable you to communicate with a builder and obtain a building permit.

Interested in designing together?
Email me and I will send you my Vision Worksheet to fill out online. The worksheet helps you articulate your project scope and helps me ensure that your goals are in alignment with my skills